Friday 1 May 2020

The Last Charm by Ella Allbright

Jake moves into Layla's house after she and her dad have been abandoned by her mum and stay instead with her granddad a couple doors away.

As Jake suffers at the hands of his dad and his mum can't fight back, he gets to know Layla and her granddad becomes his role model and a much better and loving father figure.

He sends Layla charms each special time something happens only a misunderstanding means she always thinks they're from her mum who left her behind.

As the years to on, Jake and Layla stay in touch and are friends of sorts however it takes a long time for Layla to realise just what she wants in a guy after a string of bad relationships and a heartbreaking situation too.

My word this book broke me, it was a stunning story and the twists and turns especially towards the end took my breath away in a good way it was such a fantastic read showing how relationships change over time and raising awareness of serious issues so trigger warning of you are sensitive to the subjects of miscarriage and domestic abuse.

Many thanks to the publishers for allowing me to review this book for them!

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