Wednesday 13 December 2017

Orthorexia by Renée McGregor

Orthorexia is a relatively new not yet official eating disorder but it still impacts many and is as dangerous as Bulimia or Anorexia,the most common eating disorders.

As a sufferer of Anorexia previously I have been recovered for five years but each year can still be a struggle and I see a lot of myself and past traits and actions in this book.

We learn of the combination which results in Orthorexic tendencies as well as OCD factors which come into it as well as forms of stress which can be added pressure on top of all the preexisting things occurring within us.

We learn of how it can start, flourish and manifest the person into believing a clean diet is the only option possible and everything else is bad when its not. We learn of types of strict diets and see through case studies the health side effects which can occur as result.

This is one of the most essentially eye opening books on the newest eating disorder happening around us and this book is educating just when we need it.

Many thanks to the publishers for allowing me to review this book for them!

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