Thursday 29 March 2018

Turtles All The Way Down by John Green

Aza deals everyday with intrusive anxiety thoughts often relating to medical conditions and especially c diff in particular, due to OCD and anxiety. Her best friend Daisy is obsessed with Star Wars and fan fiction writing of which she's very popular online from partaking in.

The main premise of the story is that her old camp friend and billionaire's son, Davis's father goes missing. While he may be rich money wise their father's will leaves everything to his pet Tuatura and nothing for his son's if and when he's found or turns up, dead or alive.

Throughout the novel after Daisy and her come into some of Davis's money, they still pursue Davis's friendship as they all know if their own way how it feels to be struggling and lonely in one way or another with their own issues.

Their other friend Mychel and Daisy soon start dating which doesn't make thing awkward but seems completely natural as Davis and Aza soon start sort of dating too.

I wasn't pulled in by the plot but enjoyed the story, there were lots more I wanted answering in the end which I won't discuss as it may ruin aspects of the final chapters, but I felt the main mystery never got proper answers. I would also have liked more time with Aza and her history with Davis as we are only told they went to Camp but not many flashback memories for two people who were friends or at least friendly with each other while there. Over all, I did like the book and would recommend it but it was a bit random and unfulfilling to me.

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