Wednesday 11 April 2018

It Only Happens In The Movies by Holly Bourne

Audrey meets Harry when she starts working at upmarket cinema Flicker. Audrey is just getting over her heartbreak by ex Milo after he started dating Courtney despite having sex, really badly with Audrey as they reached their six month anniversary and heartlessly dumped her.

It doesn't help matters when her best friend Leroy is all loved up with his boyfriend Ian too. She also proceeded to shut out her girl friends Charlie, Alice and Becky as at home her mum's divorce has led her to keep having breakdowns where she gets violent and suicidal thoughts. She also struggles to juggle work, school and her Mum as UCAS dates loom ahead too along with her dad wanting their house sold too.

Working at Flicker and meeting Harry, she plays a zombie bride to flirty Harry in his film he's making and naturally the pair get closer but she still doubts boys and doesn't want to fall in love again.

Love isn't a choice she realises as her dad chose to move on from her Mum and get her step mum pregnant as he fell out of love with her mum.

But can she and Harry successfully be more than friends and have their own movie fairy tale romance?

Holly writes great, gripping fiction for teens and this one was so unique, there's zombies and love as well as heartbreak, friendship drama but not too different from the norm of romance as you see from above hard topics such as sex, divorce and mental health are deeply rooted into the novel and prove that everything can all happen at once but how we choose to handle it all can get to anyone and be too much to handle. Harry reminded me of Augustus from The Fault In Our Stars at times and was a fun character to read about while Audrey seemed so strong and able but knew when she needed to reconnect with the  world she'd been shutting out for so long.

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