Tuesday 10 September 2019

The Summer Theatre By The Sea by Tracy Corbett

Charlotte, an interior designer living in London loses her job the same day she also loses her boyfriend, Ethan and the flat they shared.

Her sister Lauren and her two young children moved from London to Cornwall seven years previous and never has Charlotte visited until now when she poses coming to stay for a while as her father and sister relocated there years ago after their mother's unfortunate death due to cancer.

Lauren is a member of the same theatre group performing A Midsummer Nights Dream at an outdoor theatre, it's here that friendships and relationships are made and we also meet young doctor Barney, on a break from junior doctor training in London.

As Charlotte joins the play as a set designer, Lauren's still struggling with her debts piling up as Glenda the loan shark applies pressure and Barney's parents are pressuring him to go home and choose a specialty to train up in at the hospital and build a 'real career' for himself. Nate picks up on Lauren's debt issues and tries to help despite his feelings for her risking her never speaking to him again. Charlotte finds herself relaxing more and even ends up with Barney on a few occasion's...

I loved the character of Dusty as a drag queen alter ego who finally helps the girls realise what they need to do to be truly happy for once. Her out there attitude and talk of risk taking makes them both realise what they want instead of staying miserable especially in Lauren's case. This book was a good one and although it started out with Charlotte being the main character, we transitioned fluidly throughout the book between both sisters and Barney to see how their lives collided with each other's. The plot was gripping with Glenda the money lender being the drawing point for me more so than seeing if the play went off without a hitch! Perhaps as it's so rare to come across in a women's fiction that single parents do often need to borrow from characters like her it drew me in more to that part of the story.

Many thanks to the publishers for allowing me to review this book for them!

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