Sunday 26 April 2020

The Secret Runners Of New York by Matthew Reilly

Skye isn't an insider, unlike her brother her twin Red whom is one of them along with Misty, Verity, Hattie, Bo, Griff etc who are.

She is friends with Jenny another girl like her who's been through a shared struggle, self harm in their cases though for different reasons entirely.

However as the elite rich classes of New York prepare for the impending end of the world as it's predicted, Red gets shown by the elite rich kids just what's in the future and eventually they include Skye in their secret when she helps ring leader Misty out.

Though as it turns out everything comes at a price, a secret shared with a new friend whom proves nothing like they seem, as Skye soon discovers about Misty.

As betrayal leads her to the missing girls from their school whom vanished and winds up being stranded in the future she must uncover what's seemingly happened to stand a chance of saving her family in the future if at all possible.

An insightful novel that really made me think about if the world was to truly end, it was chilling at times with the bitchiness of the the inner clique whom were very toxic but made even more drama in an already dramatic book. I was hooked and as someone whom doesn't go for books like this normally, was pleasantly surprised.

Many thanks to the publishers for allowing me to review this book for them!

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