Friday 10 February 2017

Hello Me It's You by Anonymous, Hannah Todd

As someone who knows others as well as myself, who have suffered with mental and physical health issues, this intrigued me to read this book. The publisher has very kindly allowed me a copy to review.

This book is a collection of letters written by people, mostly anonymously, years after they were around sixteen years old. Upon their reflection on their own personal struggle with mental health and opens up to us to read, empathise and realise again there should be no stigma around such a huge subject that effects so many of us around the world.

The author herself states in the beginning of the book, she herself was diagnosed with anxiety and depression which are two most aware of common mental health issues that effect so many of us.

In between each of the letters written, there is a quote to inspire and give us a sense of hope in a beautiful paintbrush style water stroke text.

The story's told in each letter are intimate and honest allowing us to feel how they feel/felt and allows us to think of how they tackled their health issues.

For me, letter 9 stood out for pain as I suffer with Fibromyalgia. As well as letter 10 during which is written, distraction is key as I have found that has helped me when I have an anxiety moment or think back on my own issues in my teens with more severe issues.

Overall this books talks on subjects of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, self harm, body dysmorphia and more mental health issues so openly it's refreshing and I honestly hope we can stop the stigma.

If you are suffering with your mental health, there is help, this book may help open up otherwise please talk to a family member, friend, GP or if you are in school or college a counsellor or teacher.

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